Monday, May 26, 2008

We should have done this long time ago. But it is never too late for good things to start. :)

We've dedeicated time to our website and now we would like to do the same for this blog. Somehow blog would be alot more interesting and interactive.

We tell you, and you tell us. :)
And after 2 years, there are just too many things to recap if we were to start from day one. I would love to do that, but will be a very emotional one. How could it not be?
Lush Icon started out just as an idea, small little thought. Then the baby came along and I've since be inseperable with her. I love her.
It is not always easy to raise her. There are times I would be so weak to face the truth of the harsh world. But I have never thought of giving up on her.
Today there are many who loves her. And I'm very glad for all the love. If you are one of those wonderful people who love her, I want to thank you for the support.
And everyone is welcome to be part of this family.

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